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Ziff-Davis Press

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Voices from the Net

Clay Shirky

ISBN: 1-56276-303-2, Pages: 250, Price: $14.95


Voices from the Net looks at the Internet as a developing community, with a culture all its own. Clay Shirky listens to the diverse and plentiful identities that this cyberspace community has created and brings them together in this one-of-a-kind book. Shirky gives the reader a brief history of the Net, and then, through interviews and online discussions, is able to give a voice to this cultural phenomenon called the Internet.


Part 1        The Past
Chapter 1     The Beginning of Networking     
Chapter 2     The Birth of Other Networks
Part 2        The Present - the People
Chapter 3     The Old Net and the New Net: Newbies vs.
              Interviews with Steve Wolff of the NSF and Steve Case
              of AOL
Chapter 4     Prophets, Proselytizers and Patron Saints
              Interviews with Vinton Cerf of CERFnet, Dave Hughes
              the Cursor Cowboy, and John Perry Barlow of EFF
              and the Grateful Dead
Chapter 5     Business and Pleasure
              Interviews with Martha Siegel, Internet Advisor,Susie 
              Bright, author of Virtual Sex, and Dr.Thomas Grudner
              of the Cleveland Free-Net 
Chapter 6     Hackers, Cypherpunks and the Computer Underground
              Interviews with Emmanuel Goldstein, editor of 2600 
              Magazine, Steve Jackson - illegally raided by the
              Secret Service, and Eric Hughes, Cypherpunk
Chapter 7     Privacy and Freedom
              Interviews with Dr. Matthew Blaze - who cracked the
              Clipper Chip, Stewart Baker, General Counsel, NSA and
              Julf Penet, operator of an anonymous remailer
Chapter 8     The Melting Pot: Cultural Prejudice and the Net
              Interviews with Art McGee, Black Nationalist,
              and Stacey Horn of Echo
Part 3        The Present - Places
Chapter 9     The Idea of Electronic Place: Cyberspace as
              Architecture, Cyberspace as Literature
Chapter 10    Chat: Real-Time Conversations on the Net
Chapter 11    ECHO and the Amethyst Coffee House: Clean, Well
              Lighted Places
Chapter 12    MUD/MOO/MUSH/MUCK: Playing a Role
Part 4        The Future
Chapter 13    New Spaces, New Ideas
Afterword:    Places to Go, People to See


Even if you're not on the Net, even if you've only wondered what the Net is - or, if you've been on the Net since its inception -you're going to want this book. It captures it all. When it comes to cyberspace, Voices from the Net is destined to be the read of the year.


Clay Shirky is an online expert, vice president of the Society for Electronic Access -- an online activist and civil liberties group. He is also a member of the Panix Internet Hunt Team, and is currently working on a seminar called Electronic Networks and Human Community. He is the author of The Internet Via E-Mail and lives on the Net.